Dayzure Practical answers to your Daily Azure questions

Azure Logic Apps - save tweet feed to a storage
astaykov on 12. July 2016 18:45

In this tutorial, Anton Staykov, shows us how to collect all Tweets from our twitter feed and save them to Azure Blob storage for further processing.

Without writing a single line of code!

HDInsight on Linux VM
astaykov on 9. March 2016 19:27

In this tutorial, Dimitar Danailov, shows us how easy and quickly it is to provision HDInsight cluster on Linux VM. All of this using Azure Managed Hadoop Cluster - so Platform-as-a-Service!

Configure and spin up your HDInsight Cluster in less than 5 minutes:

How to implement caching with Azure API Management
astaykov on 4. December 2015 08:57

How to cache my API calls in Azure API Management?

Kanio Dimitrov (@azurekanio) will show us in less than 5 minutes how to configure effective caching in Azure API Management


Integrate Web API with Azure API Management
astaykov on 24. November 2015 20:16

In the following video, our guest star Kanio Dimitrov (@azurekanio) is showing how easy it is to integrate your Web APIs with Azure API Management


Hello World with node.js on Azure Web Apps
astaykov on 30. October 2015 11:26

In this really short video, Richard Astbury, a fellow Azure MVP, shows us how to create a Hello World node.js application in Azure Web Apps using only our browser: